Your Wellness Transformation:
part science, part faith, all you
You’re here because you have a compulsive desire to heal.
And you want to do so in a way that:
takes into account the medical advice you’ve been given,
addresses your faith, and
honours YOU in the process.
You’re meant for more — let’s remove what’s holding you back.
“My energy - as in, ability to continue doing what needs to be done without crashing - has been SO GOOD the last few days! Because of the work we did last Friday!”
- Liz, NB client
“I was feeling very overwhelmed, disorganized, and stuck. Working together with Natalie brought me back to a place where I felt more at peace, in control, and productive. I am grateful!”
- Kim, NB client
Energy, intention, and transformation for wellness, learning, and success
Your body isn’t broken, it’s asking for balance. Hit the reset button on your natural blueprint.
Pursuing wellness in your mind, body and spirit
Finding relief from physical symptoms
Managing the mental load of dealing with a chronic condition
Removing triggers that cause disturbances
Remove stressful thinking processes that make learning harder than it needs to be.
For homework time without tears & fighting
Explain yourself easily
Understand and break thinking patterns that cause unhealthy decisions
Deepen your journey of personal growth and development
Eliminating limiting belief systems will help you finally become the future version of yourself:
Mindset shifts about what you deserve
Overcome money blocks
Let go of judgment about how you’re perceived
Create a business that connects with your audience
Hi! My Name is Natalie Burns, student practitioner of Natural Bioenergetics.
After experiencing personal transformation in my health, my thinking, and my homeschool teaching business, I knew I needed to share this holistic modality with YOU.
Here’s how Thrown For A Lupe started and how it has shifted from pursuing wellness to actively experiencing transformation!
I’ll never forget January 1st of 2013 – the day my heart stopped.
When the little old lady held the door for ME stumbling into the ER, I had no idea that at just 25 years old, I was going into heart failure and was about to be diagnosed with Lupus.
Talk about being THROWN FOR A LUPE!
Doctors told me:
Lupus / autoimmunity would always be a threat…
I would be on heart medication for the rest of my life…
I wouldn’t be able to have children…
My only options were these pills or maybe even chemotherapy.
And if you followed my blog back in 2017 then you know that I couldn’t take no’s in my life for an answer. Instead, I pursued natural, holistic, and spiritual methods to restore my body (and mind!) and found myself:
Off all “forever” heart medications in just 9 months
Giving birth to 3 beautiful children
Diagnosed with chronic Lyme Disease
Physically healed after a deliverance event in 2018
Unfortunately, this wasn’t the nice healing “wrap up with a bow” that I thought it would be.
Just 3 years later, we found ourselves thrown for a loop again, fighting for the life of our youngest child, Emmett, who was diagnosed with a brain tumour and spent over a month in the PICU with 3 emergency brain surgeries.
I sat on the bed, holding Emmett in my lap as he leaned back against me, waiting in the little box room at the Children's Hospital Emergency Department. Glad to be away from the open waiting area and within the confines of some semblance of safety. The glass wall pointing at the nurses desk slid open and I saw the short, middle aged East Indian emergency doctor coming in. She had a wrinkled brow and while she wore a mask over her nose and mouth, she had an inability to mask the true emotion I felt emitting toward me.
She sat down on the chair to the left of the bed, took a breath, and leaned in. "I have the results of the brain scan... there is a mass." she said slowly. I heard the concern, compassion, uncertainty, pity.
The stark stench of sterility cut through the warmth of humanness. That sting in the air you wish was nothing, but smelled like killing everything.
The warmth of Emmett's frail, bony body and the breath moving his chest reminded me of the weight against me. The weight of this child, barely turned two, requiring my full support -- physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. The weight of this diagnosis was immediate. And yet, while recognized, hardly accepted.
"Oh taste and see that the Lord is good."
I tasted assurance and faith. I knew with absolute certainty in that moment that Emmett was meant for so much in this world and that this was not his time to cross over to the Kingdom of Heaven. I knew that this, even this devastation was going to be used to declare God's glory.
I prayed about how God wanted me to pursue not only keeping Emmett alive, but supported in his healing journey and I was led to Natural Bioenergetics.
Natural Bioenergetics (NB) has not only supported Emmett to be now stable & THRIVING in his health and development, but it kept Zach and I clear headed, married, and discerning through the ups and downs of medical decisions and chronic care taking.
I’ve spent many, many years on the receiving end of health support – emotionally, spiritually, financially. The compassion I’ve received in this journey is beyond describable.
It is my greatest joy to now offer support to YOU with the holistic approach of Natural Bioenergetics.
What is Natural Bioenergetics?
My favourite description of Natural Bioenergetics (NB) to date has been that it’s like “needleless accupuncture”.
That’s because NB takes the best of BOTH Western and Eastern science & medicine and employs a combination of biology, quantum physics, and meridian energetic flow.
NB is non-invasive and helps you peel back stressors that have been blocking your life just one layer at a time. Your body only brings up what it’s ready for and you can choose to share out loud however much or little as you want. This is not talk therapy - by holding physical meridian points in the midst of stress, the body “resets” how it perceives the stress so you can finally respond and make decisions with clarity and discernment.
Because of amazing advancements in quantum physics, all sessions with Natalie are currently online, via Zoom. Just like how when you pray, sound waves connect you with another across the world, this work is just as effective in person as it is at a distance.
What can you expect from a session?
I thought you’d never ask.
First, we ensure that your body is in balance energetically by checking for clues like nervous system response to your muscles, hydration, and meridian flow.
From there, you take the lead! I use muscle response monitoring to ask your body yes/no questions to address whatever is the personal priority for you. Whether that be dealing with physical injury, circulating toxins, or emotional & psychological burdens, we map out together an approach to meet your personal goals to bring your energy system into harmony and balance.
You end feeling more relaxed, relieved, and hopeful that you can leave what was stressing your body and mind behind for good.
Still have questions?
Submit them by clicking on this image and Natalie will personally respond.